Here's a list of our recent enhancements released on 23.10.2023
For Super Admin / Admin Teacher / Teacher
1. LTI 1.3 support for Moodle is now available.
2. Extra time special accommodations
- Now, teacher can allow students to start the test early.
- This is only applicable for SYNCHRONOUS and INDIVIDUAL activities only. (IRAT, Individual Application, Peer Evaluation)
- Read more about Early Start here.
3. Question Bank
- A. Personal Question Bank: Add filter to display your own questions only.
- B. Details: More info per question to show the difficulty, topics, and creator
- C. Make a Copy: Added ability to duplicate a question
4. Adding questions during activity creation
- Ability to Duplicate a Question during publishing (Limited to one question at a time)
- Ability to add question that is not yet in the question bank
- Previously, adding to question bank is only available during manual creation (Create Manually). You can now save questions to the Question Bank by enabling the “Add to Question Bank” toggle when editing question.
- Ability to add question that is not yet in the question bank
- Questions added via upload or copy paste method can now be added individually to the question bank
5. Presentation Mode - Display options are added for presentation mode.
Click on the icons on the top right corner of the question to switch display views.
Sample stacked view
Sample columnn view