This article will help you integrate InteDashboard with Moodle as an LTI 1.3 tool.
This Guide is for:
- Super Admin
To integrate InteDashboard with Moodle you will need to have the admin rights from your organization to modify or add LTI tools to your Moodle account.
You will also need to have a course created on InteDashboard, so you can grab the LMS integration details from that course and integrate it those details into Moodle.
Step 1: Go to Moodle > Site Administration > Plugins > External Tools > Manage Tools
Step 2: To add a new tool, click configure a tool manually.
Step 3: Fill in the values
Tool Name: {{Any Name}}
Tool URL: Go to InteDashboard LTI 1.3 settings and copy the LAUNCH URL
Tool Description: {{Any Description}}
LTI Version: Select LTI 1.3
Public Key Type: Select Keyset URL
Public Keyset: Go to InteDashboard LTI 1.3 settings and copy the JSON WEBKEY URL
- Initiate login URL, Redirection URI(s), and Content Selection URL: Go to InteDashboard LTI 1.3 settings and copy the LAUNCH URL
- Default Launch Container: Select Embed Without Blocks and check Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message)
*OPTIONAL (Services)
This is for grade push and roster sync
- IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services: Use this service for grade sync and column management
- IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning: Use this service to retrieve members’ information per privacy settings
- Tool Settings: Use this service
- Share Launcher’s Name and Tool: Always
- Share launcher’s email and tool: Always
- Accept grades from the tool: Always
- Force SSL: Yes
Step 4: Save the changes and copy the following values:
Platform ID and Client ID
Step 5: Go to InteDashboard Settings and Create a Platform
- LMS type: Moodle
- School Domain: Copy the Platform ID from Moodle
- Client ID: Copy the Client ID from Moodle
- Platform Name: {{Any Name}}
Step 6: Go to Moodle and add the tool inside the course
- Add the activity name
- Select the LTI 1.3 tool you created
- Click Save