Here's a list of our recent enhancements released on 13.12.2024
For Super Admin / Admin Teacher / Teacher
1. New Question Types
There are two new question types available for Application case:
Matching type questions are a type of assessment question where students match items from two lists, typically connecting terms, definitions, concepts, or images with corresponding answers.
Example: How it looks like on student dashboard view
Sequence type questions are designed to assess students' ability to order or arrange items correctly based on a logical, temporal, or procedural sequence.
Example: How it looks like on student dashboard view
2. Make changes after an activity is completed
You can now make modifications to an activity's question by changing correct answers, accepting additional answers, or edit text in the question content.
This is applicable for IRAT only, TRAT only, IRAT & TRAT.
Read more about how you can make changes after an activity is completed.
3. Accessibility Updates
Upon review of our codebase against our VPAT, we have made changes to the system and VPAT to be in sync by 13 December 2024.
Our first priority would be working on the Student App for clause 1.3.1 Info and Relationships. We are targeting 1 March 2025 but expect to deliver progressively from 13 December 2024.
Click here to view our latest VPAT
- Accessibility Updates
- 1.3.1.b Info and Relationships - Data Tables
- 1.3.1.d Info and Relationships - Group Related Form Elements
- 1.3.1.e Info and Relationships - Headings
- 1.4.3.a Contrast (Minimum) - Color Contrast (Regular Text)
- 1.4.11.c Non-Text Contrast - Graphical Objects
- 2.1.2.a No Keyboard Trap - Keyboard Trap
4. Pronouns as a new field for users
This is an optional field that can be enabled in the Settings tab from the left navigation bar.
When enabled, there will be a column to insert the desired pronoun in the Profile section, and name display on user profiles will show as {First name} {Last name} {Pronouns}
5. Optional Settings - Show explanations only after activity has ended
If hints and explanations are included in the question settings, there is an option to show explanations to students after an activity has ended.
Find out how to set up hints and explanations for IRAT & TRAT.
6. Releasing peer evaluation scores
When releasing peer evaluation results for students, now there is an option for instructors to show or hide the point distributions scores.