How do I add hints and explanations to questions?

This article will teach you how you can add hints and explanations to questions in your activity.

This Guide is for:

  • Super Admin
  • Teacher Admin (Full-Access)
  • Teacher, (Owner Full-Access)

This is useful especially when you want to create activities where learners can self-learn, help them get the correct answer and explain to them why that is the correct answer.

Steps on How to Add Hints and Explanations to Questions.

Step 1 – Click the button “Courses” on the left-side navigation.

Step 2 – Click on the course in which your activity is in.

Step 3 – Click the grey button “Continue Setup” on the right-side of your actions column of the activity.

Step 4 – Go to “Questions” on the top-left of the page in the activity creation process.

Step 5 – Click the button “Create New Question” in the select method tab.

Step 6 – Select question type MCQ (single correct answer).

Step 7 – Input your question stem and answer options.

Step 8 – Click the white round button on the left-side of your answer choice to set the right answer.

Step 9 – Move down the page and enter your hint or explanation.

Hints and Explanation.001-1

  • Hint is shown to the learners when they select the wrong answer.

  • Explanation is shown to the learners when they select the correct answer.

Step 10 – Go to “Optional Settings” in your activity creation process.

For IRAT - Optional Settings:

  • Enable – Students can change their answers.

  • Enable – Enable Immediate feedback.

  • Enable – Shows hints and explanations for questions that have them.

Optional settings - TRAT.001For TRAT - Optional Settings:

  • Enable – Shows hints and explanations for questions that have them.

Step 11: Review your activity and save or publish.

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