What do the course access levels mean in InteDashboard?

This article will explain the course access levels and permissions on InteDashboard. There are 3 access levels in InteDashboard – Course Owner, Full Access and Read-Only.

This guide is for

  • Super Admin
  • Admin Teacher
  • Teacher


  • The course owner is the instructor who created the course. Course owners are the author of the course, it’s modules and activities, and is thus able to manipulate, modify, edit, delete and archive the course, its module and activities.
  • Course Owners can add, disenroll and suspend learner accounts.
  • InteDashboard allows an unlimited amount of these full access guest instructor accounts within their institution.


  • Any instructor who has full-access to the course has the ability to do the same things as the course owner: manipulate, modify, edit, delete and archive the course, its module and activities they were granted access to.
  • Instructors with full access can add, disenrol and suspend learner accounts within the course.


  • Any Instructor who has a read-only access to the course can only view the course, it’s modules and activities, view the dashboard, the grades of any activities but cannot edit, modify, edit, delete or archive any component of the course.

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