This article will guide you on how to take the IRAT and TRAT activities as a student.
Here's some important information you need to know before taking your first IRAT and TRAT with InteDashboard.
- You may take your Individual and/or Team Readiness Assurance Tests using your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Taking IRATs:
- When taking your IRAT, make sure to mark your answer, then click on the "Save My Answer" button.
- Once you click on the "Submit Test" button, your answers can no longer be changed.
Taking TRATs:
- Select the "Save My Answer" button and you will get immediate feedback letting your team know if you are correct or incorrect.
- You have the option to change the team reporter.
- You have the option to request clarifications.
- Once you click "Submit Test", your answers can no longer be changed.
On your Activity Dashboard, you'll be able to see the following:
- TYPE: This is the type of activity.
- ACTIVITY NAME: This is the name of the activity.
- COURSE: This is the course to which this activity belongs.
- MODULE: This is the module this activity belongs to.
- STATUS: It will tell you if the IRAT & TRAT is open or not.
- DUE DATE: Date and time that the IRAT & TRAT assessment will be closed.
- Click "Instructions" to see the instructions for the activity.
- Click "Enter Test" to let your teacher know you are present and can access the test.
- Once the STATUS says "Ongoing" you can click "Take the Test" to start answering.
Here are screenshots of the process:
Choose your answer + Click the "Save My Answer" button:
- Click on your answer choice and the "Save My Answer" button to save your answer to this question.
- You can click the page numbers on top to navigate through the questions.
- You can also see if you have completed a question (meaning you've saved an answer to the question) on the right-hand side of the screen: "QUESTIONS STATUSES".
- Click "Instructions" to see the instructions for the activity.
- Click "Enter Test" to let your teacher know you are present and can access the test.
NOTE: Watch the clock above. If the RAT is set to have a time limit, you'll be able to see how many hours, minutes, or seconds you have left to complete the test.
How To Answer the TRAT Activity
Choose your answer + Click the "Save My Answer" button:
With TRATs, the team reporter takes the screen and answers the question for the team. Team members will still be able to see the question on their own devices, but only the team reporter can save an answer and submit the test.
- Similar to the IRAT, the team reporter can select an answer and click the "Save My Answer" button to commit to the chosen answer.
- If your answer is incorrect, it will be marked with a red X mark.
NOTE: Watch the clock above. If the RAT is set to have a time limit, you'll be able to see how many hours, minutes, or seconds you have left to complete the test.
Keep answering until you get the correct answer:
- The team should keep choosing an answer until they get the correct answer for the question. This is until your team gets the green check mark.
- This Question will be marked "Completed" once you get the correct answer.
Assign others as reporter:
- The Team Reporter can assign others to be the team-reporter.
- If the Team Reporter is not assigned by the instructor, whoever enters the test first is automatically made Team Reporter.
- In the same way, a team-member can "Takeover as the reporter" on their side.
- The team-reporter can bookmark the question by clicking the bookmark icon.
- The team can also request for a clarification about any question in the TRAT.
- Click "+Add Clarification" button.
- Upload a clarification file or type your clarification question/statement in the box.
- Click "Save Clarification" to save it.