This article will guide you on how to take the 360 Degree Peer Evaluation activity as a student.
360 Degree Evaluation has the following types of questions:
- Michelsen Point Distribution.
- Rating Scale questions.
- Free Response questions.
On your Activity Dashboard, you'll be able to see the following:
- TYPE: This is the type of activity.
- ACTIVITY NAME: This is the name of the activity.
- COURSE: This is the course where this activity belongs to.
- MODULE: This is the module this activity belongs to.
- STATUS: It will tell you if the 360 degree evaluation is open or not.
- DUE DATE: Date and time that the 360 degree evaluation will be closed.
- Click "Instructions" to see the instructions of the activity.
- Click "Enter Test" to let your teacher know you are present and can access the test.
- Once the STATUS says "Ongoing" you can click "Take the Test" to start answering.
Here are screenshots of the process:
Michelsen Points:
- This is ONLY used to evaluate teammates.
- Evaluate your teammates using points. Award your teammates with different points, once above 10 points, 1 below 10 points.
Rating Scale
- Rating scale questions are used to evaluate yourself, your teammates, your team as a whole and your instructors.
- Click the circle buttons to give them a rating.
Free Response
- Your teacher may also set up the evaluation activity to contain free response questions. Just type in your answers in the box provided.
NOTE: All answers are auto-saved. You can change your answers to the evaluation anytime as long as the activity is still open.