This article will guide you through the process of modifying an activity by either updating the correct answer, accepting additional correct answer or revising the question text.
This Guide is for:
- Super Admin
- Admin Teacher (Full-Access)
- Teacher (Owner / Full-Access)
During an activity, you may encounter a situation where answer choices in a question is incorrectly configured, or text in the question that needs revision.
After the activity is completed, you can modify the correct answers or edit text in the question content for:
There are two modification options:
Summary for Correct Answer Modifications:
- Before both IRAT and TRAT Start → Change allowed.
- After IRAT Ends, and TRAT Not Started → Change allowed for TRAT
- After IRAT and TRAT Has Ended → Change allowed for TRAT
- During IRAT or TRAT (Ongoing/Paused) → Change not allowed.
- After a Change Has Been Made → Further changes not allowed.
Summary for Change Copywriting:
- Copywriting can be changed before and after activity is completed.
Please take note: Answers can be changed only ONCE for each activity.
You can change the correct answer
- If IRAT is Not Started
You can change the correct answer and accept additional answer
When a change is made after IRAT has ended, scores will be adjusted for the IRAT based to the newly selected correct answer.
Answers cannot be changed
If IRAT is Ongoing or Paused
If changes has been applied once already.
Here's how you can Change correct answer or Change copywriting.
You can change the correct answer
If TRAT is Not Started
When a change is made after TRAT has ended, scores will be adjusted for the TRAT based to the newly selected correct answer.
Answers cannot be changed
If TRAT is Ongoing or Paused
If changes has been applied once already.
Here's how you can Change correct answer or Change copywriting.
The setup is slightly different for activities setup as IRAT & TRAT.
- After IRAT Ends, you can still make changes for the TRAT, but not the IRAT.
- When both IRAT & TRAT Ended
You can change the correct answer
If both IRAT & TRAT is Not Started
AFTER IRAT Ends, but before TRAT starts
- AFTER IRAT Ended and TRAT Ended.
When a change is made after TRAT has ended, scores will be adjusted for both IRAT & TRAT based to the newly selected correct answer.
Answers cannot be changed
If IRAT or TRAT is Ongoing or Paused
If changes has been applied once already.
Here's how you can Change correct answer or Change copywriting.
How to modify Correct Answer:
When activity is Not Started:
- From the Questions section of the activity dashboard, click Change Correct Answer.
- Select the new correct answer, and click Next Step.
- Review the change details, and click Save New Answer to confirm your selection.
When activity Ended:
- From the Questions section of the activity dashboard, click Update Correct Answer.
To Change the Correct Answer
- Select the new correct answer, and click Next Step.
- Review the change details, and click Save New Answer to confirm your selection.
To Accept Additional Correct Answer
- Select the additional correct answer, and click Next Step.
- Review the change details, and click Save Additional Answer to confirm your selection.
When a change on the correct answer, scores will be adjusted based to the newly selected correct answer, depending on activity type (IRAT only, TRAT only, IRAT & TRAT only)
How to Change Copywriting
- From the Questions section of the activity dashboard, click Change Copywriting.
- Edit the text for the question stem or answer choices, and click Next Step.
- Review the change details, and click Update Question to confirm your selection.
- After confirmation, all activities within the same course using this question will be updated.
- The changes to this question is applied in the Question Bank.
- Please advise students to refresh browser after changes are made.